This is the story of Moses. God used Moses to take the people of Israel out of Egypt, saving them from oppression. Also God used him to bring the Law, and to show His glory. God prepared the way for His promise when he sent Moses.

Los hijos de Israel en Egipto | Moses is born | Moses flees Egypt | The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses | Miracles showing the Lord’s power | Moses and Aaron return to Egypt | Making bricks without straw | God promises to deliver them | Aaron’s staff becomes a snake | Plague #1 Blood | Plague #2 Frogs | Plague #3 Gnats | Plague #4 Flies | Plague #5 Sick livestock | Plague #6 Boils | Plague #7 Hail | Plague #8 Locusts | Plague #9 Darkness | One plague remaining | Passover | Plague #10 Death of firstborn | The Israelites leave Egypt | Passover instructions | Summary of chapters 1-12 | Fire and cloud | Crossing the sea on dry land | Bitter water made sweet | Bread from Heaven | Israel at Mount Sinai | The Ten Commandments | Some orders and commands | More orders and commands | God’s covenant with His people | The Golden Calf | The Tent of Meeting | God speaks with Moses | Moses’ face shines | The Tent of Meeting | They make the Tent of Meeting | The Tent of Meeting filled with the glory of God | Israel leaves Sinai | The Lord is holy | God is angry and sends fire | Forty years in the desert | Water comes from the rock | The king of Edom refuses passage | The death of Aaron | The bronze serpent | Hear, oh Israel | Do not do detestable things | A prophet like Moses | Blessings and plagues | If they repent God will forgive them | The death of Moses